Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Kid Question of the Day #6: Who is that lady on the Stabucks symbol?

So today on my weekly post co-op Starbuck run Ironhide asked the following:

Who is that lady on the Stabucks symbol? Is it lady liberty?

So as we pull up to the drive-thru window and I ask our friendly Stabbuck partner the question of the day. He says roll down the window and I will explan all. (This guy, we will call him Derrick, is the best. He always has a smile and a natural joy about him even when the drive thru line is wrapped around the building and the machines are not working.)

"The name of the company Starbucks in based on a character from the book Moby-Dick, "Starbo," the name of a mining camp on Mount Rainier. Combining the Moby-Dick idea with "Starbo" resulted in the company being named for the Pequod's first mate, Starbuck.

The company logo is a two-tailed princess siren, not a mermaid. Because Seattle is a sailor's city and the marine inspired name of the company they need a symbol that means good luck."

Ironhide's response "Cool let's go read Moby Dick tonight."

Okay now I have some explaining to do. LOL

1 comment:

Donalacasa said...

>>He always has a smile and a natural joy about him even when the drive thru line is wrapped around the building and the machines are not working.<<

That's not natural joy. That's all that free caffeine! LOL! I told My Diva once when she was looking for a new job to stay away from that one because I went in to ask a guy if he could ground my beans and he gave me a 10-minute dissertation on the freshness of coffee. I just wanted to get my beans ground. LOL!

We have discovered a GROSS error on our part recently. We drink Starbucks coffee at home bags we purchase at HEB. Boy Wonder yesterday pointed out to me that on the side of the bag, it says that you can bring it in for a free cup of coffee. Since we delight in going to Starbucks on family trips, getting free coffee would be an added plus. When I think about all the bags we have thrown away....... It just makes me sick!

Thanks for the trivia!
